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Nickel 200 Wire Mesh

Nickel 200 Wire Mesh, ASME SB160 Nickel Wire Mesh, UNS N02200 Fencing Wiremesh, WERKSTOFF NR. 2.4066 Wire Mesh, Alloy 200 Hexagonal Wiremesh, ASTM B160 Alloy 200 Netting Wiremesh, Alloy 200 Woven Wiremesh, Alloy 200 Welding Wire Mesh, 200 Filler Wire Exporter in India

We are Manufacture, Suplier & Export of Nickel 200 wire Mesh Which has excellent mechanical properties and ductility with high purity nickel. It resists to high temperature and corrosion and has good electrical and thermal conductivity, magnetostrictive properties. Nickel 200 Welding Wire or Commercially Pure Nickel wire has a nickel content of 99.5%. Nickel Alloy 200 Welding wire mesh with best corrosion resistant performance in all metal materials is widely used in the marine and chemical industries. Nickel 200 Netting Wiremesh can be used with the gas metal arc, gas tungsten arc and plasma welding processes. We offer a comprehensive range of Nickel Alloy 200 Wire Mesh, available in different construction materials, wire diameter, mesh size, width and length to meet diverse application requirements.

Nickel 200 Plain Dutch Weave Wire Mesh, Nickel 200 Twill Dutch Weave Wire Mesh, Nickel 200 Spring Steel wire mesh, 200 Nickel Netting Wiremesh , Alloy 200 Woven Wiremesh, Nickel НП-2 Wire Mesh, Alloy 200 Filler Wire, UNS N02200 Welding Wiremesh, 200 Nickel Spring Steel Wire Mesh, 200 Nickel Fencing Wiremesh


Specifications : ASTM / ASME B160 / SB160

Standard : ASTM, ASME

Length : 100 mm To 3000 mm Long & Above

Type : Wire Mesh, Hexagonal Wiremesh, Welding Wiremesh, Netting Wiremesh, Woven Wiremesh, Spring Steel wire mesh, Fencing Wiremesh etc.


Nickel 200 Woven Wiremesh has high resistance to crevice corrosion, stress corrosion cracking and hydrogen embrittlement that can be troublesome to other alloy systems. Nickel 200 Fencing Wire Mesh naturally form a thin protective surface layer over the first several weeks of exposure to seawater and this provides its on-going resistance.

Nickel Alloy 200 Wire Mesh Equivalent Grades
Nickel 200 N02200 2.4066 N-100M Ni 99.2 NW 2200 NA 11 НП-2

Nickel Alloy 200 Wire Mesh Chemical Composition
Nickel 200 Ni C Mo Mn Si Fe P S Cu Cr
99.0 min 0.15 max 0.35 max 0.1 max 0.4 max 0.01 max 0.25 max

Nickel Alloy 200 Wire Mesh Fittings Mechanical Properties
Density Melting Point Yield Strength (0.2%Offset) Tensile Strength Elongation
8.9 g/cm3 1446 °C (2635 °F) Psi – 21500 , MPa – 148 Psi – 67000 , MPa – 462 45 %

Nickel Alloy 200 Wire Mesh Application Industries
  • Off-Shore Oil Drilling Companies
  • Power Generation
  • Petrochemicals
  • Gas Processing
  • Specialty Chemicals
  • Pharmaceuticals
  • Pharmaceutical Equipment
  • Chemical Equipment
  • Sea Water Equipment
  • Heat Exchangers
  • Condensers
  • Pulp and Paper Industry
Forms of Nickel Alloy 200 Wire Mesh in Stock
  • Nickel 200 Wiremesh Price List
  • Alloy 200 Hexagonal Wiremesh
  • ASME SB160 Nickel 200 Wire Mesh
  • UNS N02200 Fencing Wire mesh
  • Nickel 200 Welding Wiremesh
  • Nickel 200 Netting Wiremesh
  • Grade 200 Nickel Wire Mesh Stockist
  • GR 200 Nickel Plain Dutch Weave Wire Mesh
  • 200 Nickel Twill Dutch Weave Wire Mesh
  • 200 Reverse Twill Dutch Weave Wire Mesh
  • Grade 200 Alloy Hollander Weave Wire Mesh
  • DIN 2.4066 Wire Mesh
  • 200 Nickel Crimped Weave Wire Mesh
  • ASME SB160 200 Nickel Square Wire Mesh
  • Nickel Alloy 200 Wire Mesh Supplier
  • Nickel 200 Hexagonal Wire Mesh
  • Ni 200 Filler Wire Mesh
  • ASTM B160 Alloy 200 Netting Wiremesh
  • Alloy 200 Woven Wiremesh Price
  • 200 Plain Dutch Weave Wire Mesh Manufacturer
  • JIS NCF 200 Twill Dutch Weave Wire Mesh
  • Nickel 200 Spring Steel wire mesh
  • Nickel 200 Woven Wiremesh Specification
  • 200 Nickel Three Heddled Weave Wire Mesh
  • Alloy 200 Five Heddled Weave Wire Mesh Dealer
  • Nickel® Alloy 2.4066 Mesh Stock Holder
  • 2.4066 Nickel Wire Mesh Specification
  • Nickel JIS NCF 200 Wire Mesh
  • ASME SB160 200 Inconel Twill Weave Wire Mesh
  • 200 Nickel® Alloy Fine Wire Mesh
  • ASTM B160 200 Woven Wire Mesh
  • 200 Nickel® Alloy Netting Wire Mesh
  • ASTM B160 Alloy 200 Welding Wire Mesh
  • Alloy 200 Filler Wire Mesh

Nickel Alloy 200 Wire Mesh Price List

Request the latest Nickel Alloy 200 Wire Mesh Price List. Please click on the request a quote button or click here to request the updated price list and ready stock information along with your requirement.

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Copyright © 2018 Aluminum Alloys.

Disclaimer : Inconel, Monel & Hastelloy are registered trademark of specific manufacturer, name are listed for the reference to help in identifying the grade.