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Cupro Nickel 90/10 Wire Mesh

Cupro Nickel 90/10 Wire Mesh, ASME SB111 Cupro Nickel 90/10 Wire Mesh, UNS C70600 Fencing Wiremesh, WERKSTOFF NR. 2.0872 Wire Mesh, Alloy 90/10 Hexagonal Wiremesh, ASTM B111 Alloy 90/10 Netting Wiremesh, Alloy 90/10 Woven Wiremesh, 90/10 Filler Wire, Titanium 90/10 Welding Wire Mesh Exporter in India

We are Manufacture, Suplier & Export of Copper Nickel 90 /10 Wire Mesh cover a range of quite similar materials. Generally their medium resistivity and low temperature coefficient of resistance make these alloys ideal for control resistors and thermocouples. UNS C70600 Fencing Wire mesh are widely used for marine applications due to their excellent resistance to seawater corrosion, low biofouling rates, and good fabricability. Cupro Nickel 90 /10 Welded Wire Mesh is a grid formed by welding steel wires together at their intersections. Welded steel wire mesh offers greater strength and versatility over woven mesh. Welded mesh will not fray or unravel, is stable and rigid, has a smooth surface and has an excellent aesthetic appearance.

Cu-Ni 90/10 Plain Dutch Weave Wire Mesh, Cu-Ni 90/10 Twill Dutch Weave Wire Mesh, Cupro Nickel 90/10 Spring Steel wire mesh, 90/10 Cupro Nickel Netting Wiremesh , Alloy 90/10 Woven Wiremesh, Cupro Nickel 90/10 НП-2 Wire Mesh, UNS C70600 Welding Wiremesh, 90/10 Cupro Nickel Spring Steel Wire Mesh, 90/10 Cupro Nickel Fencing Wiremesh, copper Nickel Filler Wire


Specifications : ASTM B111 / ASME SB111

Standard : ASTM, ASME

Length : 100 mm To 3000 mm Long & Above

Type : Wire Mesh, Hexagonal Wiremesh, Welding Wiremesh, Netting Wiremesh, Woven Wiremesh, Spring Steel wire mesh, Fencing Wiremesh etc.


We are the finest place to choose copper nickel 90/10 wire mesh and it is having good resistance for stressing corrosion cracking in the seawater. We are the best manufacturer of the copper nickel wire mesh that is used lengthily in the contemporary boat building. Our copper nickel wire mesh is having soaring intrinsic confrontation and fabricability to the biofouling.

Cu-Ni 90/10 Wire Mesh Equivalent Grades
Cupro Nickel 90/10 C70600 2.0872

Cu-Ni 90/10 Wire Mesh Chemical Composition
Cu-Ni 90/10 Cu Pb Mn Fe Zn Ni
88.6 min 0.05 max 1.0 max 1.8 max 1 max 9-11 max

Cu-Ni 90/10 Wire Mesh Fittings Mechanical Properties
Density Melting Point Yield Strength (0.2%Offset) Tensile Strength Elongation
8.1 g/cm3 1443 °C (2430 °F) Psi – 35,000, MPa – 241 Psi -80,000, MPa -551 30 %

Cu-Ni 90/10 Wire Mesh Application Industries
  • Off-Shore Oil Drilling Companies
  • Power Generation
  • Petrochemicals
  • Gas Processing
  • Specialty Chemicals
  • Pharmaceuticals
  • Pharmaceutical Equipment
  • Chemical Equipment
  • Sea Water Equipment
  • Heat Exchangers
  • Condensers
  • Pulp and Paper Industry
Forms of Cu-Ni 90/10 Wire Mesh in Stock
  • Cu-Ni 90/10 Wiremesh Price List
  • Alloy 90/10 Hexagonal Wiremesh
  • ASME SB111 Cupro Nickel 90/10 Wire Mesh
  • UNS C70600 Fencing Wire mesh
  • Cu-Ni 90/10 Welding Wiremesh
  • Cupro Nickel 90/10 Netting Wiremesh
  • Grade 90/10 Copper Nickel Wire Mesh Stockist
  • GR 90/10 Cupro Nickel Plain Dutch Weave Wire Mesh
  • 90/10 Cu-Ni Twill Dutch Weave Wire Mesh
  • 90/10 Reverse Twill Dutch Weave Wire Mesh
  • Grade 90/10 Alloy Hollander Weave Wire Mesh
  • DIN 2.0872 Wire Mesh
  • 90/10 Nickel Crimped Weave Wire Mesh
  • ASME SB111 Cu-Ni 90/10 Square Wire Mesh
  • Nickel Alloy 90/10 Wire Mesh Supplier
  • Cu-Ni 90/10 Hexagonal Wire Mesh
  • ASTM B111 Alloy 90/10 Netting Wiremesh
  • Alloy 90/10 Woven Wiremesh Price
  • 90/10 Plain Dutch Weave Wire Mesh Manufacturer
  • JIS NCF 90/10 Twill Dutch Weave Wire Mesh
  • Cupro Nickel 90/10 Spring Steel wire mesh
  • Copper Nickel 90/10 Woven Wiremesh Specification
  • 90/10 Copper Three Heddled Weave Wire Mesh
  • Alloy 90/10 Five Heddled Weave Wire Mesh Dealer
  • Cupro Nickel® Alloy 2.0872 Mesh Stock Holder
  • 2.0872 Nickel Wire Mesh Specification
  • Copper Nickel JIS NCF 90/10 Wire Mesh
  • ASME SB111 90/10 Copper Twill Weave Wire Mesh
  • 90/10 Cu-Ni® Alloy Fine Wire Mesh
  • ASTM B111 90/10 Woven Wire Mesh
  • 90/10 Cupro Nickel® Alloy Netting Wire Mesh
  • ASTM B111 Alloy 90/10 Welding Wire Mesh
  • Alloy 90/10 Filler Wire Mesh

Cu-Ni 90/10 Wire Mesh Price List

Request the latest Cu-Ni 90/10 Wire Mesh Price List. Please click on the request a quote button or click here to request the updated price list and ready stock information along with your requirement.

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