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Cupro Nickel 70/30 Socket Weld Forged Fittings

Cupro Nickel 70/30 Socket Weld Forged Fittings, Cupro Nickel 70/30 Socket Weld Tee, ASTM B467 70/30 Socket Weld Elbow, Cu-Ni 70/30 Socket Weld Hexagonal Plug, Cu-Ni 70/30 Socket Weld Bend & Cap, UNS C71500 Socket Weld Forged 90deg Elbow, DIN NR. 2.0882 Socket Weld Coupling, Cross & Union Exporter in India

We are Manufacture, Suplier & Export of Cu-Ni 70 / 30 Socket Weld Forged Fittings, which has excellent corrosion and pitting resistance in marine environments. Cupro-nickel 70 / 30 Socket Weld Forged Fittings is composed of 70 percent copper and 30 percent Nickel, with a lower conductivity than C71500. Additions of manganese and iron in Copper Nickel 70 / 30 Socket Weld Forged Fittings (UNS C71500) make it more resistant to erosion and corrosion to some extent and by means of slightly better-quality of potency level than 90/10, thus making it appropriate for more challenging functions. Our offer Cu-Ni 70-30 Socket weld Cross Forged Fittings is available in various sizes and thicknesses to meet all customer centric requirements, Copper 70-30 Socket weld Forged Coupling are suitable for usage in aqueous and low-temperature environments.

Cu-Ni 70/30 Socket Weld Plug, 70/30 Cupro Socket Weld Equal Tee, Cu-Ni 70/30 Socket Weld Hex Plug, Cu-Ni 70/30 Socket Weld Bushing, Cupro Nickel 70/30 Socket Weld Pipe Elbow, Alloy DIN NR. 2.0882 Socket Weld Screwed Fittings, Cupro Nickel 70/30 Socket Weld Union, Cu-Ni 70/30 Socket Weld Hexagonal Plug, UNS C71500 45 Degree Forged Socket Weld Elbow


Specifications : ASTM B122, B171, B466, B467

Standard : ASME 16.11, MSS SP-79, 83, 95, 97, BS 3799

Size : 1/8" NB to 4" NB (Socketweld & Screwed-Threaded)

Class : 2000 LBS, 3000 LBS, 2000 LBS, 9000 LBS

Type : Threaded Fittings


Common applications for Cupro Nickel 70 / 30 Forged Socket Weld Tee Fittings include: valves, pump components, fittings, flanges and various other marine hardware components. Copper Nickel 70 / 30 Forged Socket Weld Cap Fittings are utilized in areas where high temperatures and pressures, combined with high velocities and turbulence are serious problems.

Cupro Nickel 70/30 Socket Weld Forged Fittings Equivalent Grades
 Cupro Nickel 70/30 2.0882 C71500

Cupro Nickel 70/30 Socket Weld Forged Fittings Chemical Composition
Grade Cu Mn Pb Ni Fe Zn
 Cupro Nickel 70/30 65 min  1.0 max  0.05 max 29-33 max 0.4-1.0 max 1 max

Cupro Nickel 70/30 Socket Weld Forged Fittings Mechanical Properties
Density Melting Point Tensile Strength Yield Strength (0.2%Offset) Elongation
 0.323 lb/in3 at 68 F 2260 F 50000 psi 20000 psi 30 %

Cupro Nickel 70/30 Socket Weld Forged Fittings Application Industries
  • Off-Shore Oil Drilling Companies
  • Power Generation
  • Petrochemicals
  • Gas Processing
  • Specialty Chemicals
  • Pharmaceuticals
  • Pharmaceutical Equipment
  • Chemical Equipment
  • Sea Water Equipment
  • Heat Exchangers
  • Condensers
  • Pulp and Paper Industry
Forms of Cupro Nickel 70/30 Socket Weld Forged Fittings in Stock
  • Cupro Nickel 70/30 Socket Weld Tee
  • ASTM B467 Cupro Nickel 70/30 Socket Weld Elbow
  • Cu-Ni 70/30 Socket Weld Bend
  • 70/30 Alloy Socket Weld Cap
  • UNS C71500 Socket Weld Forged 90deg. Elbow
  • DIN 2.0882 Socket Weld Cross
  • Alloy 70/30 Socket Weld Coupling
  • Alloy 70/30 Socket Weld Union
  • Cu-Ni 70/30 Socket Weld Plug
  • 70/30 Cu-Ni Socket Weld Equal Tee
  • Alloy 70/30 Socket Weld Hex Plug
  • Cupro Nickel 70/30 Socket Weld Bushing Manufacturer
  • Cupro Nickel 70/30 45 Degree Forged Socket Weld Elbow
  • WERKSTOFF NR. 2.0882 Socket Weld Tee
  • Cu-Ni 70/30 Socket Weld 90 Deg Elbow
  • Cu-Ni 70/30 Socket Weld Pipe Elbow Exporter
  • Alloy DIN NR. 2.0882 Socket Weld Screwed Fittings
  • Alloy 70/30 Socket Weld Hex Nipples

Cupro Nickel 70/30 Socket Weld Forged Fittings Price List

Request the latest Cupro Nickel 70/30 Socket Weld Forged Fittings Price List. Please click on the request a quote button or click here to request the updated price list and ready stock information along with your requirement.

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